F R U I T • Y O G U R T • B A R S


F R U I T • Y O G U R T • B A R S 🍓🫐

Cheap summer time snack idea! I forgot to pick up granola, so we improvised, and I used frozen blueberries to use up what we had, but you can use fresh instead!


•One container of yogurt of choice (you can use Greek yogurt to cut back on sugar & fat)




•Parchment paper


Line a small cookie sheet with parchment paper, and spread your container of yogurt evenly throughout the cookie sheet. Spread diced up strawberries and whole blueberries over top the yogurt. Spread granola over top yogurt and fruit, and use the bottom of a spoon to press all the ingredients into the yogurt. Pop in the freezer overnight and in the morning pull out and cut into bar size servings. 

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